Functional medicine is an integrative approach to treating and preventing heart disease that involves lifestyle modifications, a nutritious and healthy diet, exercise, as well as supplementation.

Traditional medical treatments for cardiovascular disease, such as blood-thinning medications, cholesterol-reducing statins and beta blockers can be effective but have undesirable side effects. A Functional Medicine practitioner helps minimize medication usage while optimizing diet, stress reduction and nutrient supplementation to minimize medication need.


Nutrition is the process of obtaining and using food to sustain life. This involves the ingestion of essential nutrients like proteins and fats as well as their breakdown into energy-giving molecules for our cells.

Nutrients are essential for our bodies, providing them with energy to function and keeping us healthy. They can be found in various foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains – just to name a few!

Diet can have a major impact on our overall health, particularly the risk for developing heart disease. By making changes to our eating habits, we can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, decrease the likelihood of heart attacks or strokes, and generally enhance our wellbeing.

Dietary recommendations from a functional medicine doctor can be tailored to each individual based on our personal history and lifestyle. These may include specific dietary plans as well as supplements.

Studies have demonstrated that a healthy diet can lower our risk of developing heart disease. Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants which fight free radicals that damage arteries. Furthermore, they supply vitamin C essential for keeping our hearts functioning optimally.

Foods high in antioxidants such as dark chocolate, nuts and berries are other great sources. These can help prevent plaque from forming on arteries, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and generally improve our wellbeing.

A nutritious diet is key for a healthy heart, and a functional cardiologist on Long Island can help ensure you’re getting all of the essential nutrients your body needs to stay strong. They may also suggest an exercise program to help maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress levels.

Functional medicine is an interdisciplinary approach to healthcare that takes into account each patient’s individual genetic and environmental factors in order to treat the root cause of disease rather than simply treating symptoms. This personalized approach has proven more successful than traditional medical treatments at curing diseases.

Functional medicine seeks to identify and address the underlying causes of disease, then address them through lifestyle modifications that will restore optimal health. When combined with other forms of treatment like medications, supplements, and surgery, functional medicine can be an effective means for curing and preventing illness.


Exercising is an integral part of living a healthy lifestyle for everyone, even those with heart disease. Not only does it improve cardiovascular function and lower the risk of heart attack and other illnesses, but it also increases collateral blood vessels that supply blood to the heart as well as lowering cholesterol levels.

Exercising regularly not only improves your mood, but it can also help protect against mental health issues. Furthermore, it helps manage stress, shed pounds or maintain a healthy weight.

Starting an exercise regimen can be intimidating and intimidating, so consult your doctor about what can be done and when. They will recommend a program tailored for your individual needs as well as provide helpful tips and advice on what not to do.

According to the American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine, aerobic exercises (jogging, swimming or biking) should be combined with strength training (moderate weightlifting). This combination of activities offers the greatest potential for preventing and managing heart disease.

Additionally, make sure to exercise at a safe and comfortable pace that’s right for you. If you experience shortness of breath, have an irregular heartbeat or any other symptoms, stop exercising immediately and contact your provider.

Starting with low-intensity exercises is recommended and then increasing them over time. This is especially beneficial for those recovering from heart conditions or who have been advised by their healthcare provider not to exercise.

Some people with heart conditions should limit their exercise as it may cause swelling or tenderness in muscles and joints, or put too much strain on their heart. If you have a problem, check your pulse every 15 minutes and cease activity if you experience rapid or irregular heartbeat or palpitations.

A healthy heart should have a resting heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute. You can use a stethoscope to check your pulse rate.

If you experience any symptoms that could indicate a heart problem, such as fever or dizziness, stop exercising immediately and contact your healthcare provider. It may take until all symptoms have gone away before you can resume exercise again.


Stress plays a significant role in heart disease.

It increases your likelihood of smoking, eating poorly and not exercising enough; additionally, it causes your blood pressure to go up which then causes plaque build-up in arteries leading to heart disease or stroke.

If you’re feeling a lot of stress, it is recommended that you speak to a cardiologist about it and create an action plan to reduce those levels. Some methods for managing stress include avoiding situations that trigger it, exercising regularly and incorporating meditation, prayer, reading or yoga into your day. You may also try other calming activities like meditation, prayer, reading or yoga for added relaxation.

Your body responds to stress by producing chemicals like adrenaline and cortisol. These help shield you against potential dangers and are essential for staying healthy when faced with having to run or jump.

However, when you’re not in immediate physical danger, your body doesn’t require those chemicals. That could explain why you experience sweaty palms, tight shoulders, acne, headaches, chronic pain, digestive problems and a racing heart when not under immediate physical threat.

Stress on the heart can have varied results depending on its intensity, what caused it and whether you have a history of heart disease.

Stress can be diagnosed through questionnaires or biochemical measures, which measure the levels of certain chemicals in your blood. This method is more reliable than simply asking you how you feel.

Stress related disorders were found to be independently associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially early onset ones (incidence age 50). These risks persisted regardless of familial background (including family history of cardiovascular disease), sexual history or psychiatric comorbidities.


Sleep is essential for good health, and lack of it can have detrimental effects on your heart. Without enough shut-eye, you could develop high blood pressure or a weakening of the muscle in your chest.

The body has a circadian clock that governs when we wake and sleep. Disrupting this cycle, whether through work night shifts or other reasons, can have serious repercussions for your health and wellbeing.

Sleep has been linked to other health issues like obesity and depression, but it may be especially harmful for heart disease. Studies have discovered that people who suffer from sleeping disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea are more likely to develop cardiovascular conditions like heart arrhythmias, plaque build-up in arteries, heart failure or coronary artery disease than those without these diseases.

Even mild sleep disturbances can trigger inflammation, leading to fatty build-up in your arteries – this condition is known as atherosclerosis and it has been known to cause heart attacks and strokes.

Inflammation is a major contributor to diabetes, and research has indicated that people who don’t get enough sleep are more prone to developing the condition. While inflammation helps protect us against illness, when too many of them stay around for too long it can cause chronic inflammation leading to heart disease.

Many sleep issues can be alleviated with simple adjustments or specialized cognitive behavioural therapy. Furthermore, those suffering from more serious disorders like obstructive sleep syndrome or insomnia may find relief through prescription medications or breathing treatments.

A recent study suggests that lack of sleep may activate a hormone which causes inflammation, an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This activation activates CCL2 within endothelial cells lining veins, suggesting this might be an effective target to treat heart disease.

This could help prevent fatty build-up in arteries, potentially leading to fewer heart attacks and strokes. According to a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, irregular and poor-quality sleep has been linked with atherosclerosis.

For more information or if you would like to discuss treatment and management with Dr Stavy then please contact us via