Functional Medicine For Autoimmune Thyroiditis

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Autoimmune thyroiditis, commonly referred to as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in adults. This autoimmune disease attacks the thyroid gland, causing inflammation and eventually decreasing its capacity for hormone production.

Chronic, reoccurring inflammation caused by the immune system mistakenly attacking its own tissues can be a complex and challenging condition to treat with standard medications.


The ideal diet for autoimmune thyroiditis is one that reduces inflammation, regulates blood sugar, and provides plenty of nutrition. Eating this way will aid in healing your gut and alleviate symptoms such as brain fog, dry skin, and weight gain.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks the thyroid gland, leading to decreased hormone production for metabolic functions and energy production in the body. If this happens to you, the thyroid may stop producing enough hormones necessary for normal metabolism and energy production.

This autoimmune disease may also present with other symptoms like fatigue, weight gain and dry skin. Treatment may include dietary and lifestyle modifications as well as supplements that boost immune function and hydration in your body.

Functional medicine doctors take into account each patient’s individual history to diagnose what’s going on inside the body and how it’s impacting overall health. They also utilize advanced lab tests and an in-depth look into their patient’s lifestyle to pinpoint what may be causing the issue.

Functional medicine is an alternative medical practice that seeks to address the underlying causes of illness. A practitioner pays close attention to their patient’s story, listens intently to their worries and aspirations, and works to give them tools so they can take charge of their health care.

Finding a doctor who truly comprehends the intricate nature of autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can be challenging. That is why many people turn to functional medicine clinics instead of traditional doctors for assistance.

At a consultation, a functional medicine doctor will ask about your diet as well as other aspects such as stress, sleep patterns and environmental influences that could potentially impact your health. This data is then used to create an individualized plan tailored specifically for you.

An autoimmune low thyroid diet includes eating a variety of health-promoting foods, such as lean meats, vegetables, wild fish, fermented items, healthy fats (like avocado oil and coconut oil) as well as plenty of fresh produce. Additionally, keeping an eye on iron levels is crucial for successful implementation.

Supplementing with vitamin D is beneficial, too. This essential nutrient plays an important role in controlling your immune system and aiding absorption of iodine by the body, plus it promotes cellular growth and repair – essential for keeping your thyroid functioning optimally.


Diet is one of the most essential steps in healing your thyroid and avoiding other autoimmune diseases. It’s essential to stay away from foods that cause inflammation and make your thyroid work harder, doing more harm than good.

Foods to avoid include gluten, grains (including rice and quinoa), dairy, soy, sugar, legumes, nuts, eggs and nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, potatoes and beets. Eating too many of these items may actually impair iodine uptake into your thyroid gland, making it harder for you to get enough of this mineral for making thyroid hormones.

Additionally, it’s essential to incorporate more nutrient-dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables as well as omega-3 fatty acids that support thyroid function into your diet. This can be done through anti-inflammatory food choices while avoiding refined sugars, saturated fats, fried foods, red meats, and processed oils into meals.

Your doctor can advise you on which food groups to increase and which to limit depending on your current health status. They may even test for food sensitivities which could further aggravate symptoms by leading to inflammation.

Functional medicine practitioners can pinpoint your genetics and help correct any nutritional deficiencies that could be at the origin of your illness. This includes vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and other necessary nutrients that may be missing from your system.

In addition to nutrition, you must manage stress levels and eliminate any obstacles to natural healing such as toxins, excess oestrogen, or blood sugar imbalances. These issues can contribute to an overactive immune response and oxidative stress which in turn leads to inflammation and thyroid disease.

Finding a doctor who can address your autoimmune thyroiditis and treat it through functional medicine is one of the best ways to regain your health and eliminate thyroid medications from your life. To learn more about how this is accomplished, call us today for a complimentary consult – we are experts in wellness and functional medicine!


Vitamin D, zinc and selenium deficiencies are a major contributing factor to autoimmune thyroiditis; therefore, providing essential nutrients can help alleviate symptoms and promote overall wellbeing. Vitamin D, zinc and selenium in particular are beneficial for supporting healthy thyroid function.

Families with a history of autoimmune conditions may be at an increased risk for developing Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. To minimize your chances, it’s important to avoid gluten and other foods known to trigger allergic reactions. If you’re unsure how best to eliminate them from your diet, consulting a nutritionist who specializes in this area could be beneficial.

If you have autoimmune thyroiditis, supplements should be an integral part of your treatment plan. They can help control elevated thyroid antibodies, protect against oxidative stress and support cellular repair.

Supplements that can help control elevated thyroid antibodies include selenium, myo-inositol and proteolytic enzymes like bromelain or liposomal encapsulated vitamin C or papain. If you are currently experiencing an active flare of your disease, start taking these supplements right away in order to get antibody levels back under control quickly.

Zinc is another nutrient that has been scientifically proven to reduce TPO and TG antibodies. Furthermore, zinc functions as an antioxidant, protecting the thyroid from inflammation and oxidative stress.

For optimal zinc intake, eating a balanced, whole foods diet is the ideal method. But if that’s not an option for you, zinc supplements can still be beneficial.

Probiotics can be especially beneficial for those suffering from autoimmune thyroiditis, as they help to balance gut microflora and reduce levels of immune-stimulating compounds in the digestive tract. Furthermore, probiotics increase immunity by repairing digestive linings and decreasing inflammation within the body.

It’s essential to get enough vitamin D, a key antioxidant which aids in the regulation of the immune system and healthy thyroid function. Getting your daily dose from sunlight is ideal but supplementing with 600-5,000 IU per day may also be effective.

Finally, it’s essential to get enough rest and reduce stress in your life. Studies have demonstrated that lack of shut-eye can make it easier for the immune system to attack the thyroid gland, leading to more serious symptoms.


Sleep is essential for the body’s capacity to fight disease and repair tissues, as well as supporting heart health.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), adults need 7 hours of sleep each night in order to remain healthy. Not getting enough shut-eye can result in serious health issues like heart disease or diabetes.

Sleep not only allows the body to rest and rejuvenate, but it’s also crucial for maintaining brain function. This is because sleep allows the brain’s glymphatic (waste clearance) system to flush out toxins that accumulate throughout the day.

Furthermore, sleep can aid the body in producing more immune cells and proteins to combat infection. This is because your immune system has an increased need for these things when you’re ill or stressed out.

Though the exact cause is still being researched, sleeping can help increase production of certain cells and proteins by encouraging cytokine production. Cytokines are important components in fighting infection and inflammation and help strengthen your immune system.

Many methods exist to promote good sleep. These include supplements and herbal remedies, as well as changes in diet, exercise, and stress management.

An individual with an overactive thyroid may experience leg discomfort while sleeping, known as restless legs syndrome (RLS). This disrupts sleep and leaves them feeling fatigued and irritable the next day.

Hypothyroidism can manifest itself in various ways, including dry skin, weight gain, muscle weakness and depression. Therefore, treating both the thyroid gland and any associated symptoms that impact sleep quality is of critical importance.

Pre-arousal states can be distinguished from sleep by several behavioural, motor, sensory, and physiological criteria. These include a period of relaxation of skeletal muscles, absence of overt goal-directed behaviour, and decreased critical reactivity.

For more information or if you would like to discuss treatment and management with Dr Stavy then please contact us via