Functional Medicine For Hormonal Imbalances

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Hormones are chemicals produced by glands within the endocrine system that travel through your bloodstream to organs and tissues, providing instructions on how to function.

Hormonal imbalances can have profound effects on your health and wellbeing.

Thankfully, many hormone imbalances can be addressed through functional medicine.

Emotional Imbalances

Emotional imbalances can be caused by an inability to process emotions or by emotional trauma, both of which have a major impact on health. They also alter hormone levels and create long-term issues.

According to Ayurveda, emotional imbalances are usually due to an inability to process emotions quickly. This issue can arise from traumatic events, negative childhood experiences, the loss of loved ones or even lack of sleep.

A few signs of mood imbalance may include feeling anxious or irritable, having fatigue, losing interest in activities, having low energy levels or even depression or mania. Seasonal changes and major life events can also trigger these reactions.

Functional medicine seeks to identify the underlying causes of your condition and create a tailored treatment plan to address them. Doctors at functional medicine clinics can address these underlying factors to create significant improvements in your overall health.

Hormones are essential chemicals in the body that control organ and tissue function. They have an immense impact on moods, energy levels and overall wellbeing of patients; in particular oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone and cortisol act as neurohormones with significant roles to play in mental wellbeing and emotional regulation.

Women with an irregular hormonal cycle are likely to experience various mood symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, anger and irritability. These issues become particularly challenging during menopause when oestrogen levels decrease.

Women who experience frequent hormonal fluctuations often experience more severe mood and anxiety issues, such as postpartum depression and perimenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), since their bodies cannot maintain consistent levels of essential hormones during these times.

Hormone-balancing strategies such as acupuncture and herbal medicines may help alleviate these symptoms; however, these treatments may not be successful if there are other underlying issues like an unhealthy diet or a history of trauma.

Treating hormonal imbalances can be a complex issue, and the most successful approach is to address the underlying cause rather than just its symptoms. A functional medicine practitioner will work with you to identify and resolve your emotional triggers, leading to improved health and happiness overall. Schedule a discovery call now to discover how a functional medicine program can benefit you!

Dietary Imbalances

Hormonal imbalances can cause a range of symptoms, such as mood swings, sleep problems, weight gain and fatigue. The good news is that most hormone imbalances are treatable.

Hormones influence many aspects of human life, from metabolism to sleep and sexual function. Furthermore, they regulate stress levels, blood pressure and body temperature.

Hormone imbalances are typically treatable with lifestyle changes and medical attention. Furthermore, various herbs and supplements can be utilized to naturally balance hormones.

Naturopathic doctors take into account your diet, lifestyle and overall health to create a personalized plan. They’ll take an extensive history, examine lab results and discuss any special requirements you may have.

Imbalanced nutrition is often responsible for hormonal issues. This could be due to anything from eating too much or not enough food, to poor digestive function.

Examples of imbalanced nutrition include a high fat diet; an abundance of carbohydrates or sugars; low protein intake; excessive dairy consumption; and too many processed foods.

Dietary imbalances can also be the result of inadequate sleep or an irregular schedule, which disrupts your body’s natural circadian rhythm – which regulates both sleeping patterns and hormone production – due to these disruptions.

Maintaining a healthy hormone balance requires seven to nine hours of sleep each night. This is essential for keeping energy levels up, building immunity and managing stress responses.

If you’re trying to achieve better hormonal balance, these functional medicine strategies may help:

1. Consume a balanced diet consisting of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, raw nuts/seeds, whole grains and healthy oils. Steer clear of fried, high-fat or processed foods as well as nutrient-depleted dairy products.

2. Exercise regularly and moderately, but without overexerting yourself.

3. Limit your exposure to toxins and other environmental elements which could impact hormone levels.

4. Establish self-care habits like breathing deeply and meditating to reduce stress.

5. Take measures to control your environmental exposures, such as microwaving foods in plastic containers or bringing a glass water bottle to work.

Physical Imbalances

Functional medicine is a type of healthcare that takes an integrated approach to treating patients’ symptoms and conditions. It focuses on finding the underlying cause of disease as well as each patient’s individual biochemistry.

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of factors, including diet, exercise and stress. Your doctor will take all these into account and create an individualized plan to help you reach optimal health.

Hormonal imbalances can lead to a variety of serious issues, such as low energy levels, difficulty focusing, fatigue and weight gain. They may even increase your risk for heart disease, osteoporosis, anxiety disorders, autoimmune disorders and cancer.

If you are facing any of the issues listed above, then seeking treatment is essential. A functional medicine practitioner will work with you to address these problems and prevent them from occurring again.

One of the primary causes of hormonal imbalances is stress. When you feel overwhelmed, your body releases cortisol which can have detrimental effects on your wellbeing. To combat stress and improve overall wellness, take time for yourself and learn ways to relax – both mentally and physically!

Functional medicine practices utilize advanced testing and an in-depth understanding of a patient’s genetics, history and physiology to identify which elements of their health are out of balance – these are known as “core clinical functions.

Once core clinical functions have been identified, a wide variety of interventions can be evaluated for maximum impact in restoring them to optimum functioning. In many cases, combination of therapies is necessary in order to restore these core functions and return the body back to healthy.

Chemical Imbalances

Hormones are powerful signals that originate in the endocrine glands and travel through the bloodstream to instruct different organs what to do. They regulate functions such as sleep cycle, appetite, moods, body temperature and stress response.

These messages contain important information about your health and well-being. Excess or lack of any hormone can have a major effect on how healthy you feel overall.

Endocrine glands produce various hormones, such as thyroid hormone, insulin, growth hormone, oestrogen and progesterone. Some are naturally produced while others may be caused by a medical condition or treatment.

For instance, a tumour on the adrenal gland may lead to excessive hormone production; however, this is usually only temporary. Other conditions that affect endocrine glands, such as diabetes or cancer, may also create hormonal imbalances.

Some individuals experience chronic hormonal imbalances, such as menstruation or pregnancy. To address these issues, a doctor may prescribe medication to help balance hormone levels.

Functional medicine for hormonal imbalances not only focuses on medication and psychotherapy, but may also suggest lifestyle modifications. These steps can help restore your body’s natural hormone balance as well as alleviate symptoms.

A chemical imbalance in the brain has been linked to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. However, it’s essential to recognize that this is only one factor contributing factor; other elements like family history, genetics, and trauma may also play a role.

If you or someone you know is suffering from a mental health condition, it is imperative to seek treatment right away. While there is no one-size-fits all solution for treating mental illness, medications, psychotherapy and other non-pharmaceuticals can help alleviate symptoms.

For more information or if you would like to discuss treatment and management with Dr Stavy then please contact us via